The Art Of Software Engineering

To Deliver Quality IT Solutions On Time



analiza procesów wytwarzania leków (R&D), dedykowane narzędzia wspierające procesy biznesowe (custom software development), analiza danych (business intelligence, ETL), hurtownie danych


wbudowane oprogramowanie (embedded software) oraz wspomaganie i koordynacja procesu dostarczania oprogramowania przez dostawców podzespołów elektronicznych, wykrywanie wad produkcyjnych, wykrywanie niespójności danych, raportowanie, business intelligence (ETL)


spersonalizowane rozwiązania oraz integracja, obieg dokumentów i faktur, automatyzacja procesów biznesowych


warstwa mediacji (mediation layer) integrujacej urzadzenia sieci komorkowej, service provisioning, wydajne przetwarzanie duzych ilości danych


narzędzia zintegrowane odpowiadające na potrzeby różnym sektorom, obieg dokumentów, automatyzacja procesów


system zarządzający danymi polis ubezpieczyciela wraz z rejestracją on-line, szkodami, raportami

About Us

We are a team of people grouped under one cause to professionally help our customers discover, understand and resolve challenges their business face. With combined decades of experience in different branches of industry and wide set of skills obtained and perfected through years of professional work we are able to build from ground up solutions with usage of different modern architecture and technology. Because we have on board specialists in different roles we can design, build, deploy, maintain and expand solutions for and with our customers.

Skills & Team

Delivery Manager – focus on completing projects, team staffing, controlling business processes, and making a company effective. Focus on delivering a finished product or service may require them to prioritize a team’s tasks based on improvements that need to be made to the product.

Business Analyst – main channel / point of contact with business party (Product Owner in case customer works in agile manner), requirements engineering: central point of business requirements collection (documented in dedicated system accessible to customer)  / coordination of user interface design and translating both into consistent domain model and solution specification, strong communication skill on one side and technical background (FE) on the other

Software Architect – translation of business requirements both functional and not functional into technical feasibility,  application of software architecture suita ble to address business needs and specific domain, seamless integration with customer enterprise infrastructure components, business domain regulatory compliance

UX Team / Graphical Designer – advanced and ergonomic User Interface design / mockups, graphical design

Development Team – experienced senior software engineers team (Fullstack / FE / BE)

Technical Writer – professional information communicator whose task is to transfer project documentation / knowledge through any medium that best facilitates the transfer and comprehension of the information 

Operational Support – processing of local exchange customer service and repair orders, service provisioning and service administration in production (organise customer service for processing questions / issues and repair orders, service provisioning and service administration in production.)


We are a team of people grouped under one cause to professionally help our customers discover, understand and resolve challenges their business face. With combined decades of experience in different branches of industry and wide set of skills obtained and perfected through years of professional work we are able to build from ground up solutions with usage of different modern architecture and technology. Because we have on board specialists in different roles we can design, build, deploy, maintain and expand solutions for and with our customers.


Supported industries
About Us
Skills & Team